Future Of Work University is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®
"The most comprehensive course on employee experience, backed by research and data"
What You Get When You Join Today:
• The ability to interact and engage directly with Jacob with the course platform
• Over $2,000 worth of bonus content and resources
• Lifetime access to hours of short videos, quizzes, action items, and supplemental resources
• Certificate of completion
Here's What You'll Learn In EECC:
• The difference between employee engagement and employee experience
• Trends shaping employee experience
• Why companies have had poor success with employee engagement
• Why it is so important for a company to have a reason for being
• The 9 types of organizations and how to identify which type yours is
• The ROI of investing in employee experience
• The types of moments that matter and how you can create them in your organization
• The three environments that shape all employee experiences
• How to design great employee experiences and get your organization to think differently
• What organizations like LinkedIn, Airbnb, Cisco, Microsoft, Accenture, and others are doing to create amazing employee experience
• Much more!